Best times for studying

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Are there ideal times to study? Does timing affect concentration? The answer to these questions tends to be: Yes.

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Are there ideal times to study? Does timing affect concentration? The answer to these questions tends to be: Yes.

Of course, there are preferred times to study to achieve the best results, and we will try to list them briefly in this article for the benefit of all.

Introduction to studying

Studying occupies a major place in students' lives and is the main factor that supports the educational process, and enhances what was studied in school during the school day, and also on exam days.

Studying requires an alert mind, focus, and energy in order to better absorb information, as the brain works at full capacity to understand and link ideas together through mind maps.

Students need guidance from parents in order for the study and study process to proceed smoothly, and among these guidelines is choosing the best times to study, and the following are the most appropriate times to study.

1- Early morning

Scientists agree that memory works at its best in the early morning, as a person can remember numbers, facts, and dates in the best way.

The early morning period starts from some experts at four in the morning, which is the early morning time shortly after dawn, when the house and street are completely still, and the mind is in an active mental state, with the beginning of daylight.

As for the other most common morning period, between eight in the morning and three in the afternoon, it is the most common and approved period in schools and universities, where the mind is at the peak of alertness, has had some rest and started its day at the peak of readiness to receive information, absorb it, read, write, listen, and interact.

Natural sunlight contributes effectively to the awakening of the sense of sight, attention, and giving a positive natural feeling of productivity, so studying in an open place in the morning is one of the best ideal solutions for impressive results.

2- Late evening

This is another time when the same degree of calm and tranquility can be obtained, and thus a greater ability to learn. Some students and scholars prepare the general atmosphere in the evening starting at twelve o'clock in the evening in order to obtain the greatest amount of knowledge while everyone is asleep.

The psychological factor plays a major role here for these people, as they can stay away from distractions and distractions.

Studying and eating

It is always preferable to start the study process at least half an hour after eating, as the digestion process has begun and thus the blood circulation works better and the feeling of fullness gradually disappears.

Reducing food or eating a small meal before studying is the best option, and eating some vegetables and fruits while studying is a good solution for the brain to work properly with controlling quantities.

Drinking tea and coffee in reasonable quantities helps keep the nervous system awake and active, and stimulates the mind to work efficiently.

Studying and the biological clock

The biological clock is an internal clock that has been present in our brain since childhood, helps determine the time and link it to place and activity, and thus when is the ideal time to study for each person, the biological clock is programmed when a fixed daily routine time is set for studying, which is a very common case before the end-of-year exams period.

Individual differences and studying

The difference in human nature and the surrounding environment may sometimes determine the best time to study according to each person’s temperamental tendencies. For example, the ideal study times in urban areas and cities may differ from those in the countryside and villages, as well as the geographical location and place of residence, in addition to the personal preferences of individuals, as we mentioned previously.

Tips to excel in studying

Aside from the best times to study, there are a set of general tips that help in achieving excellence in studying.

Allocate a fixed place for studying prepared according to your own rituals and personal taste.

Use your favorite tools of colors, pens and papers - they are part of the experience you live to receive knowledge.

Write a summary of what you read.

Take a break immediately when you feel bored or lazy.

Sleep well before you start studying - regardless of the time you choose.

If you are one of those who like group studying, choose those who are serious and help you complete your work.

Set a realistic plan or schedule that suits your abilities and productivity - keep it and rely on it as a routine.
Use modern means such as video clips on YouTube.

Try as much as possible to keep your mobile phone away or turn it off or at least set it to silent mode while studying.

The morning is the best time to study, but if the evening is your favorite time, then do it, you know what is best for you, but in any case, make sure to stick to a daily routine in studying your lessons first hand in order to achieve your goals in your professional and personal life.
