Thinking about raising a pet in your home? This is what your new friend needs

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Thinking about raising a pet in your home? This is what your new friend needs

Raising a pet is not just a hobby. Some people open the doors of their homes to animals, either to teach children compassion for animals, or to be a companion to them at home.

Commit to your new friend

The first condition for raising a pet is the confidence that you can commit to your duties towards this animal. You may find it a hobby, but it finds its whole world in you, so make sure that there is another person you can rely on to perform your duties towards the new guest, and also make sure that you are able to make the financial commitment necessary to spend on it. His needs are food, treatment, and entertainment, which are important to him. Your lifestyle must also be compatible with raising this particular type of animal. Raising a pet at home is like having a child who never grows older, who needs care and cannot express his needs.

Don't make it a heavy guest for those around you

The second condition that must be met is the approval of the family to have this animal, and to make sure that no one in the house suffers from allergies to the animal, because you will not lock the animal in a separate room, but rather it will interact with all the family members, so everyone must be compatible with the new visitor.

The financial cost

The financial cost is not limited to the price of the pet itself, although some types of animals are of expensive breeds, but the financial cost is represented in the basic needs for caring for the animal, in addition to the need to purchase food designated for each type of animal, especially the supplies that The animal needs toys, medicines, vaccines, etc. Speaking of pet names and prices, dogs are the most expensive, followed by cats, then rabbits, and then birds.

A place to sleep and play

After making the decision to acquire a pet, the breeder must, before taking the animal home, allocate a place for it to sleep, provided that it is well ventilated. This is in addition to allocating a space in which the animal can play and move at its comfort. A special place must also be provided for this animal to relieve itself.

Your child may be at risk

It is possible that when your child owns a pet, he may be exposed to situations that may be somewhat dangerous for him. The animal may not be ready to live with your child. It may cause him dangerous things, such as biting or scratching him, or even the animal may be sick and transmit the infection to your child, especially the dangers that It may occur as a result; Because children do not understand the correct way to deal with their pets, whether in terms of the way they play with them, or even the way they feed them, for example.

So, you must Teach your child how to interact with animals

Teaching your children proper ways to interact with animals is a great step towards learning empathy and compassion. If you currently have pets or plan to adopt them in the future, start by helping your child understand your pet's body language. This not only helps keep your child and pet safe, but It also helps them build a strong and positive relationship with each other.

Even if you don't currently have a pet, it's important to emphasize to your child appropriate ways to interact with animals, such as when (and when not) to pet them and how to be gentle when handling them.

important tips for raising your children with pets at home

• Close the doors of electrical appliances such as refrigerator, washing machine, and microwave; Your animal may hide inside it.
• Keep your pet away from high furniture, especially glass ones, where it can climb and fall from it and hurt itself.
• Make sure the toilet lids are closed and the bathroom door is closed, as your animal may jump in to drink water.
• Make sure the outdoor garden is safe to protect your pet from theft or assault by passersby.
• Make sure to put agricultural tools and toxic pesticides in a safe place to protect your pet when playing in the garden.
• Make sure to provide your animal with fresh drinking water throughout the day, especially when you leave the house.
• Avoid leaving your pet alone at home for a long period.


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